Monday, April 6, 2015

REPOST: 7 Face Skin Care Tips For The Season

The cold season has passed, and here comes the heat. Read this article from Bold Sky for skin care tips you could use this season.  

In almost every season you will tend to have dry skin. The only reason - because you don't drink enough water! When you consume tons of water on a day to day basis your skin gets supple and soft. This is the first basic face skin care tip you need to follow! Secondly, the chemically treated products you use on your face can make a difference too! 
When it comes to one's face, it is important to look after it with care. Using the right remedy for your skin type and applying the right mask is important. According to experts, our face is the first place on the body which shows those ugly acne, blemishes and much more. Therefore, with these face skin care tips for the season, you can look after your beautiful face with extra care. 

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Apply Masks 
You need to use a natural face mask in order to get that perfect glow on your face. Applying a natural face mask will help your pores to open up and also work gradually on the complexion. Also, using a natural face mask is more effective and safer in comparison to beauty products. 
Use A Natural Moisturiser 
Natural moisturisers is the best to use on your face for skin care. Natural moisturisers like shea butter, cold milk cream and yogurt are few options you can try to make your face glow naturally. It also helps to tone your face.

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Wash Your Face Often

One of the main face skin care tips to follow this season is to wash your face as much as you can. By washing your face you are getting rid of the toxins and those nasty germs thriving on your skin. This is the best and a needed face skin tip to follow this season.

Bind Your Hands 
If you want your skin to look flawless and beautiful, make sure you never put your hand to your face to pop those pimples as it will leave behind a scar, difficult to remove.

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Look After Dark Circles 
Give importance to dark circles too. This is one of the main important face skin care tips to follow this season. Apply a fruit eye mask under the eye to reduce the dark circles or try using cold cucumber to lighten the circles. 
Unwanted Facial Hair 
Get rid of unwanted facial hair with the help of home remedies. Tomato and lemon juice are natural bleaching agents and can be used on your face to remove hair. However, apply a natural cooling mask after an application of the bleaching ingredients. Following these two kitchen face skin care tips is a must. 
Cleansing Naturally 
Don't forget to cleanse your face with milk or diluted curd. These two are the best ingredients you can use on your skin to remove grime and dirt.

A breakthrough in skin care cosmetics, L’Core Paris offers specially formulated gemstone-infused collections of facial care products. Visit this website for more details.

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